Thyroid: Hair Mineral Analysis Testing

Morley Robbins, who devised the Root Cause Protocol, recommends hair analysis testing to find out if you are high in heavy metals or low in essential minerals. It is essential to know your mineral status if you want to improve your thyroid function.

This test is recommended in England:
The Natural Health Choice Ltd
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RH15 9TQ
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This is a sample of a Natural Choice test result.  This was done two years after detoxing and starting the Root Cause Protocol and the Iodine Protocol.  As you can see, the Mercury level is much lower than the Doctors Data result, demonstrating that Lugol’s Iodine chelates Mercury.

Mineral Status & The Thyroid

To make thyroid hormone, the pituitary releases TSH, which requires Vitamin E and Vitamin A, but Copper blocks Vitamin E. We need the amino acid Tyrosine to make Thyroid hormone T4. But low zinc means low stomach acid, which means we will have compromised digestion and can’t break down the proteins efficiently to get the raw materials to make our hormones such as the amino acid tyrosine. Then the thyroid needs selenium, vanadium, Vitamin C, B2 and iodine to make T4 the inactive form of thyroid hormone. Furthermore, to activate T4 to T3, we need selenium and progesterone. The effect of copper oxidizes vitamins E and C, promoting the back conversion from T3 to T4 and blocking T3 in the cells.

Mineral Status & The Body

Adequate levels of Ribidium support the correct functioning of the thyroid, pituitary gland, and hormones as well as producing serotonin and neurotransmitters. Ribidium is required for enzyme synthesis and glucose metabolism. Ribidium is also required to achieve optimal Iron levels; so by boosting Ribidium, you will help reverse anima. Ribidium balances Potassium and we know that we need adequate Potassium to support adrenal function.

Rubidium also has a relationship with Lithium, which in turn affects Sodium, Magnesium, and Potassium. Lithium supports kidney and liver function thus raising Calcium and Potassium levels. Low Lithium can cause low stomach acid, depression, and an imbalance in sodium and magnesium levels. Low levels affect emotions and cause tremors.

Germanium helps fight viruses and oxygenation of cells.

Low Zinc levels can be raised by reducing Copper. Copper retention antagonizes zinc especially in the gut, predisposing us to low stomach acid, increasing the likelihood of infections, and making us more prone to EBV and all the like.

Zinc is secreted into all body fluids as an antiseptic. That is why low zinc in relationship to a high copper will predispose you or anyone to throat infections, lung infections, gastroenteritis, ulcers, urinary tract infections, and thrush. Zinc is needed for the feel-good brain chemicals serotonin, as well as melatonin, in a deficiency will make us prone to sleep disturbances, leading to fatigue and all the mental symptoms under the sun.

With a continued low level of zinc, the immune system then becomes compromised, and next come the frequent colds, sore throats, ear infections, and skin stuff, including eczema, warts and moles. A zinc deficiency can manifest as asthma in the lungs, and the continuation of this cycle can manifest more chronicity, leading to glandular fevers, leading to chronic fatigue. Then come to the insidious diseases later in life we call diabetes, arthritis, depression and cancers.

High copper will decrease molybdenum, which is one of the primary nutrients that opposes copper. No coincidence that many studies link a molybdenum deficiency to cancer of the breast, stomach, colon, and oesophagus.

When minerals are out of balance this can affect detox pathways.

We need bioavailable copper and lithium to be able to absorb/store B12.

Magnesium and sulphur are the foundation of vitamin D absorption and storage.

Rubidium regulates iron.

Potassium and lithium regulate the absorption and assimilation of calcium and potassium, which is needed to calm the heart.

We need to supplement with calf liver, Rosita cod liver oil, vitamin C in the natural form of Acerola powder, and adrenal cocktails.

Copper may increases in cells and tissues causing an unhealthy rise in Calcium whilst Potassium will drop.  This affects emotions, feelings, and energy, and slows the thyroid.  As we increase natural Vitamin C Copper will be pushed out of the cells.

If copper is not bioavailable Potassium can increase above sodium levels.

It is so important to work on the full Root Cause Protocol to manage our bioavailable iron and copper.


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