The Principle of Rhythm
Hermes Trismegistus or Thoth the Atlantean, Enki’s son, was the Lord of Wisdom an emissary on Earth. He was one of the most important gods of ancient Egypt alternately said to be self-created or born of the seed of Horus from the forehead of Set. As the son of these two deities (representing order and chaos respectively) he was also god of equilibrium. He wrote the Emerald tablets of Thoth which brought the Seven Hermetic Principles to humanity.
5. The Principle of Rhythm
Tides and flows. There is ebb and flow in everything on the physical, mental, and spiritual planes. The pendulum swing moves equally on both sides between two poles.
Rhythm works on both the mental and physical planes. The mental pendulum creates moods and emotions.
Neutralise the rhythmic swing of the pendulum by going to higher planes of consciousness to achieve mental firmness, will, and poise. This solid base can be achieved through daily meditation, breathwork, and grounding with the earth.
These practices will take us out of the reactive emotional swings and into a state of mindfulness where we are able to respond to events in a strong, yet peaceful manner.
Polarise at the Positive Pole of ‘I am’. Refuse to be swung on the pendulum of mood. Set aside mental states as being ‘not me’.
By mastering moods and neutralising rhythm you can escape cause and effect.
This is the Law of Neutralisation overcomes rhythm. Rise above and allow it to pass underneath. Become players not pawns: use the swing, don’t be used by it.
Mark Passio – Natural Law
Mark Passio explains that we are able to overcome the strong tides by using the current to assist us. At the present moment in time we are experiencing the tendency of an ebb towards darkness. To resist this tendency we are required to have stronger will and to expend more energy to break down pre-existing belief systems and move the consciousness forward. Watch from the 3:15 mark for Mark Passio’s interpretation of Principle Five.
The Kybalion
The teachings of Hermetic Philosophy were republished at the beginning of the 20th century in a book called The Kybalion. It was published in the understanding that humanity was ready to master the mental forces can apply the knowledge to their daily lives. It can be bought from bookshops or read online here: