Shamanic Case Study: House Healing

This is an example of the power of Shamanic healing on the spirit of a home.

Having bought a 100 year old house in a state of disrepair and neglect, which I had to live in, I decided to renovate the house room by room. Finally I get to the thirty-year old bathroom which has tiles dropping off the wall and a leak on the shower. I hire a competent plumber who has a week of bad luck: the ceiling falls down, the electrics are messed up, the extractor fan doesn’t have an external outlet and has made the insulation in the loft soggy, and when he tries to chip the tiles off the walls the plaster comes away in huge chunks.

So what to do? I decided to give the bathroom a Shamanic energy healing, focussing all my attention on removing the stuck energy which is preventing the renovations from moving along at a quicker pace. I then fill the room with light and ask my spirit guides to bring their assistance for the work to go more smoothly.

That evening I am alerted by cars swooshing through water on the road outside that there is water gushing up through the manhole cover on the boundary of my property. I phone the water company who come out and end up clearing the sewage drains all the way along my street. The stuck energy had pushed out of my house and into the sewer creating a blockage which was thankfully fixed.


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